Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Glory be to ARIA fans of the world.

Sir I just wanted to say, you've truly made my night. Thank you for making read that post.

For those of you who feel skeptical of watching ARIA, go ahead and visit Hazmer's wonderful post. If you're really into Kozue Amano's art, Kinokunia is selling AQUA #1,2 and ARIA 1,2 in English, You can purchase the whole of the ARIA manga from The OST are sung by two artists, Yui Makino and Feat Round Table who also collaborated on Welcoome to the NHK! whereas Yui is famous for her tracks in Tsubasa Chronicles.

My silent quest to get people to watch ARIA continues

PS: He also is Level 70 in WoW! OMG Grats.

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