Saturday, August 30, 2008

Giving Nintendo a second chance

Wahoo finally decided to get it and it's the American version too :)

This one picture is (C) sora. he wakarimasenlol.

Thanks to Scott, my order finally arrived. He wtfbbqpwned me for over an hour and I still have not decided what character to work on. He's gone now.. probably finishing his Disgaea III. This has been a breath of fresh air from the usual rpg grind. The only problem would be needing to get another two more wiimotes. Mua hah hah. Will this make me like Wii again? *shrug*

No I do not have a Playstation 3. Yet.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy(?) Merdeka

Yo yo what's up Malaysia! how come you're no longer putting flags on your car? Are you all upset about something? Just curious, I mean it's like only two days left.

For the record in response to some of the comments received, I just want to say the reason I feel indifferent for my own national day in my country because:
  • I was not born in the Philippines
  • The Philippines usually does not regard independence day as a major celebration due to the fact we were colonized by more than a handful of greedy ******s. Google it up.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dear viewers: Holy Shi* lol

So I was messing around blogger and I totally screwed up my sidebar. How annoying, I can't seem to edit the CSS HTML, it's constantly returning some sort of web server error.. update: It appears I am starting all over from scratch again. This is totally going to suck so hard. updateII: Alright I am going to rebuild everything from zero again, perhaps a clean slate will solve everything in the end. Or maybe I'm just too lazy tonight.

Sylvanas Windrunner 2.0

Wow what a surprise, makes me wanna be Horde again (only to back to the Alliance because the Horde are full of elitists on Nagrand). Sylvanas Windrunner is getting the true Blood Elf frame for the upcoming expansion, get this, she even wields the same bow she fought Prince Arthas with during the Reign of Chaos chapter. She does look a bit like Ivanka Trump but she's still a hottie oh yesh. ^__^

I guess she's no longer a Banshee Queen right? Is she gonna join us when we fight the Lich King just as Maieve ShadowSong did against Illidan Stormrage? Time will tell!

Characters with awesome antenna feelers

I've always wish that one day my hair grows long that I get some cockroach feeler like style on my forehead that would either make me charismatic, handsome, cute or intimidating. Here are some in no random order:

Azuma Kazuma: Yakitate! Japan
His bread taste like pixels.

Laharl: Makai Senki Disugaia
All hail the emperor of both worlds.

Sephiroth: Final Fantasy VII
Gloriosa Generosa. The only thing is the hair's pointing down but he's ok..

Nagisa Furukawa: Clannad
Look at her does not she make your heart melt!

Kaze no Klonoa
I just had to add this one. He da man. Wahoo.

Cruising on the edges of a cliff.. on a bicycle

Hey Star Wars fans, I love you all, I really do. But I'm beginning to feel sorry for you. Look, whatever happens, pay no attention to any of the reviews out there. Just watch the film and run home quickly my young Padawans. Before you hurt me with some dark forcing rage wishing you had a time machine to murder Mr Lucas with a butter knife.

I watched for the sake of witnessing spaceships go pew zap zap. Unfortunately I was gnashing my teeth to a point where I just wanted to grab Ahsoka Tano by her white puffy like shell hair and {omitted due to inappropriate thinking} . If you really wanted some "STAR WARS"... You know politically driven intergalactic struggles with cruisers and battleships blowing the asteroids out of each other, you're better off playing Homeworld 2. On the other side of the hairy palm, for you advertising students, there's a wookie fur heap of cliches and smartass phrases that you could use for below-the-line products and services.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

ARIA The Yuri

I feel blessed. That there are fans of this Manga. But where are the doujins?

Alicia And Akari

Athena and Alice

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bored lol...

Lol hai. Welcome to my Blog. It's full of World of Warcraft memorabilia. I also fudging love stuff from Japan. Just like these awesome people.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

One Japanese RPG to play before you die

For those who didn't get a chance to enjoy Chrono Trigger on the SNES or a PC Emulator, the 25th of Nov 2008, gives you an opportunity to grab the title for the DS. Tis better to play rpgs than to read books. This is the only game to play if don't like RPGs. Seriously, tell me a title today that can beat it and its legendary storyline. And for you Dragonball fans, there's OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAND!!!!!!!!! amazing character sprites from Akira Toriyama.

My DPS set rofl post

Phew, Just finished a study session and wanna go back to WoW. But I am forcibly resisting till next week. I will be "Multiboxing" Klonoa to Powerlevel Ariakanon. Yes it's being utterly unprofessional but think of it this way; it's making another character to help you buggers out. So quit whining.

I was doing a bit of ARENA PVPing with my Aussie friend Elai. He's like fury spec but I'm a tank mode so I am usually the first to die. Ironic isn't it, to have the most armor and HP but to fall flat first. Mages and Huntards just have an unfair advantage. But getting the shoulders makes this game worthwhile I guess.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Zomg we copied Mike Rowe Soft post

Behold, the XBox 360 World of Warcraft Achievements fully explained at WotLKWoW's official site, while I never got to read it in detail back then and only now was I able to since there's a term break. For me I've got my fluffy paws set on scratching all the goofy achievements, I hope there's a way they'll make it blogger friendly too so I can proudly show off... to the walls.
Nice Photo shoots of figures this week by Yumi and Sora.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Anime girl of the week: Yuki Nagato

Today I was thinking about about her. She's so cute. Minori Chihara plays a perfect VO for her kind of character. She sort of looks like a great goddess of divine euphoria donning spectacles but I think she's got that 'moe' factor without them. My question to the world who watched the series, have you ever seen her smile? I have yet to read the manga. It's so expensive here in Malaysia, The Japanese raws alone sets you back about 24 rings.

Rough translation: Why do I get to be a bunny girl?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Blog Revamp in progress

Thought I'd kill a little time by improving the layout of the minima template. Thanks to Izzat, initial stages have begun, but it would be pleasant to have a new banner and a welcome speech. Any suggestions welcomed. My theme is, "I like WoW and Anime and Stuff!". Ok now you may kill yourself *covers ears with giant paws*
OMG it looks so neat
Worship me because I'm so 1337
Nothing beats the CSS
it makes my work look the best
but all in all I must confess
i am awesome and I'm a god

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Repent, be a sheep

I have to wait until next week to get a new WoW game card, unfortunately there is a nasty language class examination something tough to handle this coming weekend and requires extensive revision or else I ain't getting that cert. Dammit. Well to kill time this Sunday I thought of revamping this blog a bit. I have plans to design a new banner but bah there are no wheels turning in my head.

There goes my vacation.

Totally.. brutally.. honest.. lies.

Vexille, Is there hope for humankind? The answer is no. The whole movie abruptly derails to an end similar to Alien Vs Predator. While I was hoping to satisfy my craving for good old fashioned mecha combat and military tactics all I got was some sort of "Mad scientist turning humans to mercuric zombies" philosophical emo waffles without the butter and syrup. Yes the bacon is non-halal too. The protagonists were young and such, they all had this sort of cigarette commercial smug attitudes plastere all over their "mechanized en-sludged faces. Daiwa? what kind of a name is that? It sounds like some sort of sewing machine company that makes underwear for barbie doll... fanboys. Not like the Shin Ra corporation Cloud and Tifa feared.

Smart People was probably the sort of chick flick you'd watch while you're waiting your turn at the X-Ray ward being diagnosed with either tendinitis or in my case a severe sinus disorder. Because by the time it all nipple-explodes to a delightfully milky end you're running down the pyscho walked halls writhing in sheer agony about the cost of having an endoscopic surgery while totally forgetting, oh hey, it was a love story with... smart people.

Still here? And you haven't watched Twenty One yet? Because seriously that's my name on the screen. And I get creamed real good. Almost at least. But that's a movie with real smart people.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Short story of the week

Read the lyrics and watch it to the end. (;_・)
SC original link

Friday, August 15, 2008

Funky Cat Maybe!

I want to buy these but have no idea when they're coming out.


They're based in this video, Get your dose of Thriller, ToHeart2 style:

The Cinema is friendly

Wall E: There seems to be a hidden message throughout this film that feels exponentially scary and makes me want to turn of all my electronic devices. I still think the Incredibles was Pixar's peak.

Twenty One: Yes, I watched it for the second time. I just had to see the part where security was chasing Ben. I still did not get the token switch. Oh compared to the DVD, TGV Censored about four scenes in the Foxx strip club. They spelled Foxx wrong.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cryogenic subsections A through J online

(Re-worded for maturity purposes.)I won't be updating due to the mid term break but might add some WoW progressions to keep my mind focused. I have plans to focus on my Druid before the next expansion comes allowing me control of 2 mains and a probably a deathknight for the daily quests. Already more than four tanks in my old guild have taken over mahjobiscrappus syndrome. Therefore it makes me wonder weather I should even bother to remain protection spec when going back to fury or arms appear lucrative.

I love being a druid. This is my cat form. RAWR.

This is my Bear form. BLARGH

This is my Aquatic Form. GAAAGOBOGOBO

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Klonoa Manga

A rare find. I want the manga. I hate reading screens.

4 PC games to play before you die


runner ups: Age of Empires II, Command and Conquer 3, Starcraft, Warcraft III The Frozen Throne, Rise of Nations, Ground Control, Emperor Battle for Dune, Dune 2000, Generals, Age of Mythology

The progenitor of real time strategy, the first game engine ever to introduce the fog of war, resource gathering, economy management and base design in an all-in-one facebook package, coupled based on one of the best Sci-Fi novel written by Frank Herbert. If it wasn't for this game there would be no Starcraft. This made me love playing chess with an AI and appreciate the necessity of trial and error. It was one of the first titles that transformed me from a lowly average joe to an acclaimed General with leadership skills unprecedentedly unchallenged, the units I commanded did what I ordered them to do without question. My question was, "Enemy unit Approaching" was removed from Command and Conquer. It perplexes me deeply to this day.

Sid Mier's Civilization II

runner ups: Master of the Orion II, Civilization III, Civilization IV

If there was one game preventing me from getting any sleep at night, this is the number one culprit. I've always loved politics but never in my life had been blessed to rule a nation with an iron first. But now I fudging get it. For those of you who always had a "what if" (insert something irrational like: Egypt complete the Manhattan Project and the Apollo Program) ideology, look no further than this game to blow the socks off your rotting birthday cake. Already in its 4th release I still feel that CivII was the peak and the greatest. Turn based Strategy at its best.

Simcity 2000

runner ups: Theme Park, Dungeon Keeper, Caesar III,IV

A game with no ending my peers would jeer, what's the point? Perfection. You played it because you wanted to make a difference in the world In a world. In ANY world. You created a city that you in your heart, wanted to live in. That's how you succeeded in city building games such as this timeless classic from MAXIS now owned by EA. For me it was two ways, A city of happiness and hope, everything is beautiful, or a city of efficiency, highest population, economy, etc. I would talk non-stop about this during classes on the laws of what makes an efficient RCI balance. A bleak example of artificial life; the ultimate thrill of 'growing something' This was like an RPG in some sort of a way. This too would keep me up all night. It wasn't funny.


runner ups: No competition. This game was EPIC.

Exiled from a terrible war from onslaught the brothers and sisters you once lived, you face near genocide when your followers violate a 4000 year old treaty forbidding the development of hyperspace technology. This was the mid-time of tears and bloodshed but ultimately the struggle of a the journey returning home. What made this extremely successful as illustrated from my earlier words is a no brainier; the plot was magnificently immersible. While Dune 2 provided the skeleton for RTS Homeworld introduced for the first time 3dRTS; your opponent can kick your ass from any angle and so can you. I think being a sci-fi spaceship fan, I lived my dream of commanding a fleet. The crew of Relic Entertainment has a place in my heart for ever.

World of Warcraft

Runner ups:Diablo, Ragnarok Online, and all the other countless MMOS I played.

Back in 1997 when Hong Kong was being handed back to China, I was in the catacombs with some Americans on a 28.8kps modem connection on my way to face the dark lord from some orange red like demon to slay the bugger. While Diablo was the first game that made me like the idea of an RPG, (in fact I never took interest in the Japanese styles of RPG until this game was released) I give many praises to Blizzard's Warcraft MMO for the ultimate finish. I believe World of Warcraft was the polished master piece since I've been playing it non-stop for four years now. The Koreans almost nailed me with Ragnarok but it just had no plot to keep me totally engrossed. WoW draws upon the rich lore from previous Warcraft stories, The most user friendly customizable interface, a first for any MMORPG and actually encourages the player to explore creative ways to solving a quest. Quests, another reason. A lot of MMORPGS get caught up in grinding but the quest system for experience in WoW is perfection that no other competition can beat. It could also be that in addition to being a Massive Multiplayer concept, you could do a lot of things on your own to advance in the game. I almost lost a few clients for playing it and actually had to quit for a while. I play in moderation now... Just to take my mind off things once in a while. I blame and praise the Moo brothers for their involvement of this transgression and blessing.

Holiday objective:

Get druid to level 30.

Ironic isn't it? I fix a workstation but it's a mid term break. Another case of what you don't need popping up and what you don't poofing. I am dangerously getting addicted to all these politics documentaries. I blame Fahrenheit 9/11, 11th hour, Inconvenient truth, Lions and Lambs, etc. I should step back and pay more attention to my friends so I don't derail my senses. Come on, I say learn to listen to others. Don't..get..A.D.D. Blargh. Rawr.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Status on Acer Recovery

The movie marathon continues:

Lions for Lambs: {insert cheesy string such as: 'This is by far the greatest movie I've ever watched this week! I wish I had someone to talk about this one with'};. (Then add: "Politics, conspiracy, propaganda, drama") twisted to the point where the bark seeps out blood and tears. Ironic isn't it, when a domesticated animal leads the wild. Save me almighty I think I am turning Republican!

Twenty One: 2nd runner up to the Ace of a deck. A protagonist with my name.. 2 thumbs up.

Hancock: bah.. wtf.. *click*

The Happening: So why the bloody hell did I even bother finishing this low budget degenerate of a scum turd production? What is because I was a mother******* idiot? I thought Alien VS Predator 2 was marginally flush-able but this film goes right into the shitter.

Oh you mean the laptop? Yeah I'm restoring the critical files now it'll be a while perhaps. Oh you meant my Macbook? Machines have yet to come back to me, no phone call yet, they're probably perplexed to a point where their logic cannot cope with the scope of the problem I've set to them.

Well that's eight movies so far.. How much more can my saturated prefrontal cortex absorb? Girls.. girls... This is a good time to be proud of my masculinity. Or what's left dangling from the rusted chains of my dignity, on a plate full of cancer curing broccoli.. that I wonderfully had for dinner... Well hallelujah I feel better already. Opps sorry that goes to the Scorpio side.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Movie Marathon + Acer recovery

wow...5:45am again

Here are the movies I've watched in a row to kill time during the recovery process, to me it makes repairing computers a little worthwhile:
  • Kungfu Panda (awesome)
  • 10,000 BC (Blah but the little girl is cute)
  • The 11th Hour (wtf that was Leonardo?! he's fat!)
  • Jarhead (mother-fudging OOORAH!)
Status on ACER self repair
  • format successful
  • critical components online
  • all drivers working
  • no more virus blocking access to external discs
  • windows service pack 3 successfu
I did this on my own because I didn't want to drag my sorry ass to ACER's center and tell them the recovery discs no longer work. Therefor sans the Acer bundled system restore discs(which came with the laptop but no longer work maybe the discs' life died out), I labored through the morning to manually install a fresh copy windows XP from the original OEM disc itself (I luckily found in a basement) plus downloaded the drivers one by one from the Acer Europe site. By doing that I able to:
  • bypass the start up spyware process
  • permanently delete the virus
  • restore the dvd drive
  • Have absolutely no crapware (0% and counting!)
There you have it, a family first to do something so stupid but it seemed like the only way to get back everything. In tact. There is no secret ingredient. The problem I see right now is Kaspersky still not being able to detect the pen virus. So at this time I have not plugged ANY pen drive into the laptop.. yet. Now comes the sad part; slowing my system to a crawl by restoring all the adobe stuff. :( Should I re-install live messenger now..? Maybe one more movie first..

Sunday, August 10, 2008

for the record of this weekend

By popular demand I'm keeping track of your countries too. May the best SEA reign supreme to bear the future Spartans of this cat nibble cat society.

joining DA

So here's my DA account. Sorry but it's still new so there's not much yet. I'm still learning how to use the service if you're on too let me know.

no comment.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

It is time to retire

Life is good. Thank you Cybercafe. After more than 3, 1/2 weeks of absence I think it would be interesting to get back to business. But first I have a score to settle.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Can you read this?

I thought I could, but not anymore. I miss my macbook. Thank you SueLin and SueLin's Friend for lending me your workstations. You rock. Because of you I finished first in class again. In your face slow moes, eat my dust.

mmm moe moe..

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A random whirl of wisdom

Today was a lesson of reflections from the experienced. But the phrase that continuously kept running within my deep subconscious was

"Mastering Simplicity".

Against all odds...

I'm done with this... two lovely computers wrecked in the process (which will probably cost an Emperor's fortune to repair) for this project alone, enough is fudging enough.. I believe I earned a deity's right to say this in broad daylight in front an angry mob led by the next mayor's wife of some random city holding an AK47's muzzle cocked directly to my shiny forehead,

"I am fed up."

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Complications of a critical week.

This power book sucks. You can't open CS3 with 10


• The trojan that infected my ACER is called, "service2.exe" It's causing my laptop to zombie spam my address book. Here it is attempting to shut down the start up components but Kaspersky seems to be putting up a fight... And loosing to it.

• 2nd trojan discovered: winhet.exe, no idea what it does atm, still finding out.

• The Macbook fan blades have broken, causing the shrapnel to ricochet across the IO board's insides. Internal damage costs are still unknown but it's probably going to cost half a thousand ringgit to repair.

What a sheer coincidence of bad luck. For a moment It felt like Britney Spears and Aerosmith had some sort of duet album and BANG BANG TITTY TITTY KLANG KLANG is all the rage. Today at 4:30am, my Macbook died. Then all of a sudden the virus inside my ACER notebook kills Windows XP. So here's the dilemma:

• I cannot work on my digital media 2 project
• I cannot work on my typography poster
• update: Macbook now at service center (It shall probably be gone for 3 weeks)
• update: Acer can't be reformatted, service2 virus destroyed DVD drive, sending to center on thursday(?)
• Now using a very very slow computer that takes 10 minutes to start up. It cannot install Adobe stuff.

In the years of living I never realized that 2 systems could conk out simultaneously. I have to find a place to do my assignment before tomorrow. And Friday. My blogging sessions shall be halted as a result and will continue when they are repaired. I sincerely doubt that both companies can solve my issue. I guess it's pointless to even try doing any revisions tonight. What a waste of marks.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Friday, August 01, 2008

Warning hibernation mode initiated.

Silos needed. We require more Vespene Gas. Build more farms. Low Power.