Sunday, August 17, 2008

Totally.. brutally.. honest.. lies.

Vexille, Is there hope for humankind? The answer is no. The whole movie abruptly derails to an end similar to Alien Vs Predator. While I was hoping to satisfy my craving for good old fashioned mecha combat and military tactics all I got was some sort of "Mad scientist turning humans to mercuric zombies" philosophical emo waffles without the butter and syrup. Yes the bacon is non-halal too. The protagonists were young and such, they all had this sort of cigarette commercial smug attitudes plastere all over their "mechanized en-sludged faces. Daiwa? what kind of a name is that? It sounds like some sort of sewing machine company that makes underwear for barbie doll... fanboys. Not like the Shin Ra corporation Cloud and Tifa feared.

Smart People was probably the sort of chick flick you'd watch while you're waiting your turn at the X-Ray ward being diagnosed with either tendinitis or in my case a severe sinus disorder. Because by the time it all nipple-explodes to a delightfully milky end you're running down the pyscho walked halls writhing in sheer agony about the cost of having an endoscopic surgery while totally forgetting, oh hey, it was a love story with... smart people.

Still here? And you haven't watched Twenty One yet? Because seriously that's my name on the screen. And I get creamed real good. Almost at least. But that's a movie with real smart people.

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