Today's Picture Grid: Fantasy Land's Presentation Kit
As of today, all updates will be compiled on Windows Live Writer. It's a great standalone as a free offline Blog editing suite, working great for Blogger or Live Spaces(Didn't try it on Wordpress or Livejournal). While it allows me to compile drafts locally I love it for the friendlier image layout mechanism. However you still need to log into the dashboard if you want to update the template but I guess that's alright for now. A real time saver.
(no I can't teach you how to use it, it's idiot proof for cripes sake)
<Weekend Update>
//_ it's 3.48 am Saturday. Everyone's either drunk, euphoric or sexed up. But here I am all alone working on the final changes for the Flash project. There's not much of a choice because tomorrow is the ICLS Karaoke competition at Federal Hotel. No I am not singing, but sensei promised there will be a 'Samba Samurai' show (lolwut) and a lucky draw.
Just came back. And if asked to reflect on what was it all about, I'd probably say:
I thought I share this pic, it's a scene where the smoke is chocking the s**** out of the penguin. That's right, another bastardized Evangelion parody.
</Weekend Update>
These are the post cards for Design Method's Project 2. There was no presentation so a lot of time was wasted on the rehearsal and Powerpoint preparations. In a never ending pit, project three was disclosed today. It's another week of un-interesting activities.
Haitham, one of my classmates from MM7-1 has started an open forum to represent their batch. I was fortunate to be one of the luck beta testers for it and it's finally online for show. Thing is not everyone from that batch has registered yet so I'm should contribute some artwork to get it going.
There's not much to be said on the progression of the interactive design, that's because there was not enough time commitment. The changes required are to elaborate the details of the ark, where is the character design (?) and the story start & ending scene. Also the concept of the side game needs to be developed. All in one day. Now how stupid do you have to be, as a student to say, "No problem".
Due to the disappointing lack of time, I have no choice but to cut a few corners from this ambitious concept. Again my classmates have done a remarkable job the renderings; mine pales in comparison but I'll leave it as that for now. I think what's really important at this stage is to finish the project on time for the presentation this coming Friday.
Earlier Ark Bird design
The idea for using subtle hues on the background to make the foreground stand out seems like a pretty good idea..
Improving the details..
I could start work on Monday, but I fear there still isn't enough time, Suweii's class has pushed the deadline for the flash project to Monday instead of Wednesday which means I have Sunday to work out the final details. This isn't looking good..
I found some paper textures online to re-substitute to the ark design. I went around the class today and realized holy fudge everyone's using the same paper texture I Googled last Tuesday.
Status report on Digital Media's Project:
It's 6:10 in the morning and have not slept for 2.5 days. I cannot see my fingers and just realized hey, the Flash Assignment's done. While handing up the file I realized that few of my classmate's final file size were larger than mine. Phew what a relief; the biggest was around 7+ megs, a sign of pure determination(hah). Artistically speaking I noticed they actually put a lot of effort compared to mine on their character design and background details. While I truly appreciated that, I couldn't help wondering why my work got attention when I did not exert equivalent actions. Maybe it's the natural phenomena thing that Penguins are cute.
Update: There's supposed to be a replacement class this Wednesday but Kenny needs the final .swf file and raws by Monday due to some kind of 'competition'.. This is not good.
I just logged back into my WoW Armory, and noticed that my character has been kicked out of the guild (finally?). How sad. If I had time I would really get back to WoW but right now it's suicide to even think about it... Good times. Still remember myself being consumed by all that grinding. What's cool is my gear and stats remain. Maybe I could sell her for a quick buck when the Wrath of the Lich King expansion debuts. But most likely a healer class would be in a higher demand.
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