Sunday, January 13, 2008

Draft implementation examination mark II

A Disclaimer: Meticulous scrutiny of the following paragraphs may lead to unpredictable side effects such as nausea, headaches, uncontrolled zombie-rioting, vomitting and/or thermal nuclear explosions of broccoli-eating squirrels bursting out of your kid's chest like in Alien vs Predator 2 but mostly little boys. The human race would have been in such a mess(no wait it already is), if all the animals in the world had a prefrontal cortexl; racoons would be the first to colonize Mars and the dingo dogs would be piloting Jehuty and Anubis. Thank the Gods that hasn't happened despite the fact we see humanity constantly struggling to achieve it. For example if we head to Las Vegas and observe at every gizmo presented at the CES 2008 we'll cry, "Oh my god. They still break down." That's why we got exhibitions, to instill a sense of false security of what's to come while our left brain sub-consciously filters out the consequences of each implementation. An endless cycle of new devices that conk out on every emerging situation critical. The only time we can safely buy a phone is when it's available at the same shelf we purchase color pencils. The bloody things' been working for decades without any problems. As Douglas Adams coins it, we're living in the 'Disappointing Phase'.

So what difference can we do? If it takes Nine million people to make a difference playing an online game, why can't that be easily be done in the real world? Two words; corporate entanglement. World War III has started and it's the battle our heads. The dictated apparel we wear, the processed artificial chemically genetic food we consume is a stark indication that corporations have successfully brainwashed society. The Neocons and Advertising Agencies love to classify our demographic statistics in a category called: "The Urban Jungle", although it's more of... The Human Zoo Think about it. News corporations working in close tandem with the government, An eastern country poised on harming the endangered whale species(in the name of science), one barrel of oil breaches the one hundred US dollar line. Children in Iraq are dieing and what do we do about it?

Malls are turning into our second home. They have built in waterfalls, gardens and even theme parks. Our family is irrelevant. Only the materialistic attitude (That was hammered into us during our innocence) that forces you... no compels you to consume more of Earth's scarce resources. At the expenese of our environment. Surely society has to power to do something about it?

So what is our purpose? After everything has been consume, after nations have destroyed each other, massively, surgical precision or guerrilla inclined, Do we re-define the values of what it is to be a human?

How's that for an official test post. Heh.! Don't take it too seriously. Yet.

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