Sunday, October 05, 2008

Of Services & Names

personal update: i am being torn between these applications. need to decide as soon as possible for proper geo-synchronous alignment purposes.
I have shortlisted a few names for my new project. Here are the possible routes.
  • kuronoire
  • benjamindidit
  • jimjimdidit
  • i'mfuggenbenyo
  • stupidfriednoodle (笨炸面 Cantonese)
  • courseofaction
  • unitedcoloursofbenjamin
  • benjamin&hedges
  • dontdreamitsover
  • jimbolayoh
  • klonoapowder
  • kuronoir


joys said...

i've only every tried wordpress on that list, and i thought it was okay. then i had found it hard to customize, i'm not sure about now.

i have lots of people tried movable type, and they seemed really happy with it :D
if you still can't decide maybe you should google for movabletype vs expression engine vs wordpress or something HEH

stupidfriednoodles! i burst out laughing when i read that.

Anonymous said...

Souce from .net magazine, WordPress being at the top of the list rated 5 stars whereas MovableType rated 4 stars. So WordPress just might be better.