Saturday, February 16, 2008

Project: Miracle Creatures complete

Update: Well that's done. I'm so elated it's over allowing me to escape to my euphoria in that I discover a miracle to.... uh.... oooooh just gimme some fudging magic before I kill somebody. Did you see a piece of WHD40 gum stuck in one of the feathers? Because I swear on a rainbow broccoli bull moose that it winked at me and oinked. And it healed. Hallelujah.

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Wallpaper to be presented:

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This is Cosmic Techkippen. He can rawr (This one's rejected but it looks nice).

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This is Rubernecking Baby Broccoli

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This is a New Zealand Murlock, he says, "Gurrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlgh!"

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"Gurrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlgh!" *hic*

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